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LEADANCE Alliance - Dance Ensemble

This is an application to join the LEADance Alliance Dance Ensemble. This Ensemble is being established for the purpose of not only unifying movement ministers, but to enhance the body of Christ through effective and active service to God! We are the Son's of God on Earth called to show forth His Glory that many will be drawn to, for deliverance, for healing, for salvation, for freedom, and for a supernatural encounter with Christ! This Ensemble understand that it is Him that does the drawing, they are only the willing & surrendered vessels, choosing to fulfill the call of God through movement arts. They understand that through movement, their bodies become arsenals and their movements become nuclear weapons that the enemy hates... after all, they come to deliver and expect change!

First of all Pray and Carefully Please Read the "Rules & Expectations" before deciding to join!

Thank you! Elder Jermillia B.

What is your level of dance?
Are you willing to commit to 2 rehearsals a month? (Scheduled accordingly, in advance)
If No, explain...
Are willing to travel?
Are you a part of a local church dance ministry, outreach dance ministry, or another dance organization or network?

Rules & Expectations

Please Read Carefully before signing... for any questions or concerns contact the Director, Thank you!

LEADance Alliance Ltd. Co
Acts 17:28
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